Mileage Chart & Approximate Driving Times

Outer Banks mileage chart and approximate driving times. This chart calculates distances between Outer banks towns and islands.
Hours are calculated based on posted speed limits.

From To Miles Hours
Corolla Nags Head 32 Miles 1 Hour
Corolla Cape Hatteras 84 Miles 2 Hours
Corolla *Ocracoke Island 115 Miles 4 Hours
Duck Nags Head 17 Miles 30 Minutes
Duck Cape Hatteras 70 Miles 2 Hours
Duck *Ocracoke Island 100 Miles 3.5 Hours
Kitty Hawk Nags Head 10 Miles 15-30 Minutes
Kitty Hawk Cape Hatteras 60 Miles 2 Hours
Kitty Hawk *Ocracoke Island 90 Miles 3 Hours
Nags Head Corolla 32 Miles 1 Hours
Nags Head Cape Hatteras 50 Miles 1.5 Hours
Nags Head *Ocracoke Island 85 Miles 3 Hours

*Hatteras / Ocracoke Approximate Ferry Crossing Time is 60 minutes | Ferry Rates & Schedule


Ferry Schedules
Hatteras-Ocracoke: On the Ferry System’s most popular summer route, motorists who arrive at Hatteras before 10am or after 3pm will generally avoid the daily crowds, as will travelers who get to Ocracoke’s South Dock before 2pm or after 7pm. In addition, the busiest summer days on the Hatteras Inlet route are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. People who make their day trips on Monday or Friday stand a much better chance of avoiding long waits. In summer, the ferry runs every 30 minutes beginning at 5am. Hatteras / Ocracoke Ferry Schedule.

Milepost System
You’ll notice that streets and businesses are marked by “Milepost” (MP) signs. The Mileposts start at Wright Bridge in Kitty Hawk and continue south to MP 20 near Oregon Inlet. No Milepost markers are posted north of Kitty Hawk or South of Nags Head.

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